Monday, April 7, 2008

Hit the ground walking?

I just got back from Seattle eight days ago.
I've got dreams. I've got friends with dreams.
I've got family. I've got Jesus.

But I get tired of things preventing a full out sprint for the kingdom of God.

Friends who don't want to move as fast as I do.
People that have very little passion to live out of.
Health insurance.
These things that are a part of daily life that can be so destructive to God's design.

They can be very constructive too, but I am tired of being in a culture so bent on things. My things are your things. If you are my brother or sister: how can I help?

Do you need a car to borrow for the weekend? I have one. Do you need a pound of coffee? I get one every week for free. Do you need some clothes to borrow. I can't wear em all today. Do you need to get some homework done? I'll lend you my laptop. Do you need help moving? I have time on Saturday mornings? Do you want to talk Jesus? I'll go to lunch. Or we can walk downtown together.

God has been growing in me a heart for downtown Redding. We are called to serve the poor and the homeless. The tired and the hungry. I want to live a life chasing after God that doesn't involve compromises. Sometimes it feels like we "trade" God this chunk of time, as long as "I get to watch American Idol" or as long as "you keep providing" or as long as "everything is peachy".

I mean that's what Jesus tells us right? Serve me "as long as everything in life is 'good'". Nope.

Anyways, I'd like to move in with a few guys and begin to live out of community, instead of living my life and joining in community on Sundays.

God doesn't call us to compromise. We are his. We are loved. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are Kings. We are Queens. We are blessed.

We are blessed.
We are blessings?
I want to be.


1 comment:

amy coverdale said...

Kendall... i don't knwo you all that well...BUT this was a great post. God has recently put it on my heard to be the one to facilitate haves/needs at the stirring. I'm starting this thing called Stiring Help Wanted..not really sure what it's going to look like yet-but I do know that if I hear a need, I want to call it out of our community to help them. We all have been blessed with SO much-there's really no reason to help. Thanks for this inspiring post-it's great to see that God's dreaming through all of us!