Tuesday, April 21, 2009

writing's sake

I decided to just start writing for writing's sake.

I made this decision less than forty five seconds ago and so far it isn't turning out half bad.

I do have dreams to write books in my lifetime and to consistently write poetry and worship songs, so this seems like as good a time as ever.

So here we are. You and I. We are in this moment. Well, actually we are in two moments; I am in my moment (writing to you) and you are in yours (reading what I wrote).

Actually now that I think of it, it's kind of and awkward/ awesome train of thought to consider tenses.

You know tenses.

Like past, present, and future.

You see I am writing to you right now. Present tense.

You will be reading this. That is the future. I'm predicting it now. In fact, I could have predicted that

Hours ago. Which would be past tense.

Past tense will be (future) what your using (present) when you have been considering (a mix of past and present) what you just read (past).

That sentence says it all.

Now that I have successfully wasted two and a half minutes of your life, I leave you with this:

Thank you friend for reading my active practice. It's people like you that keep people like me encouraged enough to spend time trying to get better at communication.

You done did good.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Humbry is a lifestyle. Humbry is a mindset.

Humbry is rewarding. Humbry is God's heart.

God desires us to live this way: Humble and Hungry.

My earnest heart filled prayer is that I will always be a student of God's heart. I desire his heart, I search it out, and I take a posture to learn from anyone and anything.

That's just it. Posture.

There is a posture (a constant mindset) that keeps us rapidly approaching God's destiny for us.

The destiny that he has predetermined for us will only happen through our choice to take hold of it.

Our choice is to walk the straight and narrow... or to not.

I want the straight and narrow. I want the glorious life that he predetermined for me if I so choose it.

So I will live Humbry.

Humble: I am always a student; I have never arrived.

I never want to be the expert on God. Rather, I just want to be and I'll let God be the expert.

Hungry: I always want more; I will never be satisfied completely with what I already have because I know He desires to give me more. Seek and I shall find. Ask and I shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened.

Seek. Hunger. Thirst. Drink. Eat. Find.


This is the Humbry lifestyle. I will live it at nineteen and at ninety nine.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Strong and Courageous

This cup caught my attention two days ago.

I was in LAX airport (Los Angeles, CA) and had just finished the cup. I was headed home from one of the most influential weeks I have ever had. Mexico City changed my life.

As you, my friends, hears the stories of God's movement on my trip, I hope that it inspires courage in you. It would be very easy to be dissatisfied with your own daily life when you hear the miraculous stories, but that is not God's heart.

He is a God of process. He doesn't value what you do or what you have done; rather he values you for who you are. Who Christ says you are.

I have no lack of miracle testimonies and stories of salvations from the past week. Ask me about it and "be strong and courageous" mighty warrior.

Love you guys,
