Friday, May 23, 2008

All creation is longing

The air outside can be described as coastal. I can feel a tinge of moisture in the air and there is a steady breeze. I love moments like this. I love moments when I feel like I can see the face and the heart of God in the conditions around me.

I see the turmoil of God's heart in the upside down landscape of the clouds.

I feel the peace of God's heart in the breeze across my patio.

I hear the tenderness and compassion of God's heart in the distant chirp of the birds.

I understand the weightiness of God's presence in the complete still moments.

I smell the fresh mercy and redemption of God's grace in the wet grass.

I am absorbed by the warmth of God's love and attention as I drink my hot tea.

I see the captivating vulnerability of God's heart as I watch my beagle rest.

I can just barely grasp the fullness of Gods strength and majesty as I look deep into the mountains.

These are the moments that energize me. The moments where God gives me a fresh breath and a new outlook; refined purpose and heightened joy. I live for the moments where God shows up in his creation. All creation is longing to be restored. God did not create an imperfect world. Satan perverted a masterpiece. All creation is longing to be restored. I am longing to be restored.

God restore me. God I want more of you. More of you God. Your restoration.

That's the papa I know and love.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Beauty surrounds me, captivates me, encourages me, embraces me. Beauty is ingrained into my entire life. Throughout the day it wakes me, saves me, loves me.

Nature is beautiful. People are beautiful. Abba is beautiful.

God gives to us. He gives to us. He keeps on giving. I recieve what he has to give.

I can look at people, I mean really look, and see such an amazing beauty that has been given; and there is no explanation for this but extreme and all-powerful love.

What love it is that has crafted the smile! What love it is that makes eyes miles deep! What love it is that grants a nose to smell! Ears for hearing! Touch for feeling.

What love it is that has crafted our capacity for love. God knew what he was doing when he gave me the ability to love you. I love you.

Today I went on a bike ride at sunrise. I can't believe it comes up every morning. Seriously! Every single day.

There aren't powerful enough words for that experience. You need to hear the slow intermitent chrip of a few birds, you need to smell the clean, slightly damp air, you need to see a fading dark, a breaking of light, you need to touch the chill of the atmosphere around you.

I can almost touch a sunrise. What a gift of God.


The Sounds of Left

I wrote this about a month and a half ago while in Seattle. It takes me back and is very real in my mind.
"I laid there on my back feeling an all consuming hug from the mixture of sunny warmth and a slight breeze to keep it fresh. I was looking into the sky, partly blue, partly white, partly grey, but in all parts the sight was dramatic. I just had to reallize what I was looking at. Majesty. That's what I was looking at. As I sat up, I looked out at sea, It was so easy to let my mind charge into the vastness of the view. Mile after mile I could let my thoughts travel over endless waves, further, and further out at sea... but stop. The soft turf that I'm sitting on brings me back to the reallity of my immediate surroundings. I listened left. Yes the direction left, also in this case south (meaning I am facing west), I could hear the sounds of the fish market yelling. I could imaging the hustle bustle of large men throwing fish back and forth as well as small men playing guitar and violin for tips. I smelled left. Fish, clam, oyster, coffee, the smells of left. I looked to my right. I looked right and up. Way up, higher, higher, neck cramp, higher, the sky scraper was filled with restaurants, offices, retail stores, and people. I knew what was behind me. A city stacked on top of a city, on top of a city, etc. The square footage of the ground seemingly powerless against the growth of the city. If they can't build out, they build up. I sipped on my hot chocolate (yes, from the first Starbucks ever) and let the taste filled my pallet. Coacoa from accross the world, milk from cows in Cali, a coffee shop experience in a travel sized cup. It warmed me from the inside out. Warmth of sun, smell of fish, sounds of left, sight of waves -beyond waves-, hot chocolate working outward, cranes building behind me. Seattle, WA. There I was sandwiched between Pikes place market and the pier.

Tell me if those moments aren't worth a million dollars. I mean it, a million. I'm rich! I am filthy rich. I have a get rich quick scheme, change my mindset. Daily, hourly, on the minute. I think in terms of millions. I have a million dollar moment right now. I'm sitting on a leather chair in a coffee shop that protects me from the hail and the cold. A fire place burns in my front. Artwork surrounds me, and music serenades me. Coffee energizes me and a power outlet energizes my computer."