Friday, June 5, 2009


Day one: Drive
Two: Introduction
Three: Wet work

Those were the "bullet point summaries" for those of you who have ADD and will glance at the blog and then leave...

The drive was epic in one sense only: The gas light.
It definitely came on a few miles before I was to Hume, but here was the problem: I drove past the last turn and wound into a canyon about 25 miles too far! Ended up being more than an hour out of my way...

How did I make it you ask?



I wound all the way DOWNHILL... which meant with gas waning... when I turned around... gas-draining travel.

So I put a piece of paper over my gauge and began to tell the Lord that I couldn't make it without him, and that I would rather not have to camp out here in the middle of nowhere that night... with no cell service...

He put what I needed in my tank and I made it back... crazy!

God is awesome.

In other news, but with short time on-hand: Hume is amazing... so absolutely gorgeous, and I am making tons of friends. Great community, great work, great food, great experience...

The only downside is that I miss you guys...

to be cont.



Nikki O'Connor said...

oh we miss you muchos! Praise Jesus, he is so good :) Glad you made it safely! Love you!

idiot said...

You have such a raw and reckless love for Jesus. You are a great man of God, and I don't even know you, yet.

Christian said...

miss you palsy.

im so gonna come visit you. really though. We'll share a bunk or something.

I'm Katie said...

Aww this is awesome! I Am sure God enjoys sending you on these adventures and touching them with his hand because he knows he will see you act in faith and praise his name the whole way!