Thursday, February 12, 2009


It's common sense.

We all have a sense to be valued.

We all have a sense to be loved.

We all have a sense to be respected.

We all have dreams.

I am learning what it means to have a vision larger than myself, a dream bigger than I can accomplish alone, and a love for those around me that's not focused on what is in me.

These things keep me ticking.

They are the parts of me that I am cultivating with God.

He is my strength.

He is my shield.

He is my victory.

He is my Dad, my Friend, my Lover.

He is my purpose, my vision, my dream.

He is my duracell battery.


Yet he has placed us in relationship for a reason.

Yet he has given us family.

Yet he has given us choice.

He has well equipped us, he has well encouraged us, and he has well named us.

The Name that I carry is the Name above all names.

His name is my inheritance. He is my family, and a name carries identity.

Christ is my identity.

That is my choice, my gift, and my Inheritance.

What identity did you choose to live by today? God says one thing about you and the world says another. Which one I agree with determines which one I live under.

Our choice is more powerful than I have yet come to realize.


DeAnna said...
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Jen Dickey said...

Beautiful, Kendall. I love how you put words to your personal relationship with Jesus. It is inspiring and a breath of fresh air. Bless you.